With extensive experience in wave simulation and prediction, Svašek Hydraulics is an authority in the field of wave modeling in oceans, seas, coastal areas, harbors, and rivers. We have extensive databases for the accurate determination of local wave conditions and statistics worldwide. This allows us to derive detailed information about wave heights, periods, and directions under normal daily conditions and extreme (design) conditions. Additionally, we can provide wave measurements.
For accurate predictions of wave propagation on oceans, seas, and towards the coast, we use specialized software such as SWAN and WAVEWATCH III. To determine wave effects in complex harbors, where breakwaters and reflecting quay walls play a role, we use our own developed software package, HARES, in addition to SWASH. HARES is highly efficient and can be interactively applied in the design process of new ports.
At Svašek Hydraulics, we offer free wave forecasts worldwide. You can easily request these through our wave forecast page.
Floris de Wit
Lead coastal dynamics


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