HARES (“HArbour RESonance”) is a two-dimensional numerical wave model used to calculate the propagation of short waves in nearshore zones, such as harbor basins. Developed by Svašek Hydraulics, the model is based on the “2D Mild-Slope Equation” and encompasses many physical processes, including diffraction, refraction, shoaling, (partial) reflection and transmission, (non-linear) bottom friction and breaking waves, directional spreading, and frequency spreading. HARES is one of the fastest and most versatile Mild-slope wave models currently available.
The model is implemented using the finite element method with a flexible grid of triangles, providing almost unlimited flexibility in grid generation. This allows special features such as complex harbor layouts and breakwaters to be accurately incorporated. HARES utilizes highly efficient parallelization and runs on Svašek’s high-performance cluster, often enabling interactive application in design processes.
HARES is capable of modeling partially reflective quays/shores and breakwaters with mixed transmission/reflection characteristics. A comparison with wave measurements in laboratory harbor tests (Eikema et al., 2018) has shown that HARES delivers accurate results compared to other software such as SWASH and SWAN.
In addition to its core functionality, HARES has some recent additions that further enhance its capabilities. For instance, an accurate and efficient spectral model for friction and wave breaking based on the complete wave spectrum has been added. This approach, derived from the spectral wave energy model SWAN, offers improved results. Furthermore, since 2019, the new post-processing tool WAVEDIRECT has been integrated into HARES, allowing the determination of local wave propagation directions. This enables us to construct 1D and 2D wave spectra based on HARES model results.
If you would like to discuss technical details or receive more specific information about the application and capabilities of HARES, we would be happy to speak with you personally. Please feel free to contact us for further information.
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Contact Bernard Eikema.
Bernard Eikema
Project engineer