SWAN (Simulating Waves Nearshore) is a spectral wave model for simulating two-dimensional wave fields in coastal areas and inland waters. It is an open-source model developed by TU Delft and is globally used for wave simulations.
The model incorporates a wide range of physical processes, such as wave growth due to wind, shoaling and refraction by flow and depth, non-linear wave interactions, white-capping, bottom friction, and more. With this, SWAN is capable of providing one- or two-dimensional wave spectra at desired output locations, along with the spatial distribution of numerous parameters like significant wave height, wave period measures, wave direction, and more. Therefore, SWAN is highly suitable for, among other things, METOCEAN studies.
Svašek Hydraulics has been actively involved with the software since the early years of SWAN. Thanks to this years-long expertise, we are often engaged in official boundary condition studies and model setup for, among others, the Legal Assessment Instrumentation (WBI) of Rijkswaterstaat, local water bodies such as the Eastern and Western Scheldt, and for ports within the Hydraulic Loads in Ports (HB Havens) program.
The flexibility and accuracy of SWAN have led Svašek Hydraulics to integrate the software online with our in-house hydromorphodynamic model FINEL. This allows for the calculation of wave-driven flow and sediment suspension by waves, determining the resulting morphological changes and wave conditions.
learn more about our waves and swan modelling?
Please contact Marloes van de Boomgaard
Marloes van den Boomgaard
Project engineer