TUDFlow3d is a powerful three-dimensional CFD (computational fluid dynamics) solver capable of simulating turbulent flow behavior on an engineering scale. Using the Large Eddy Simulation approach and a high-resolution grid, TUDFlow3D can accurately capture the influence of turbulence. This software is specifically developed to handle even the most complex flow problems, including density currents, complex sediment interactions, and sediment plumes around ships.
TUDFlow3d is based on a numerical code from Delft University of Technology and has been further developed for engineering-scale applications at Svašek Hydraulics. This model is frequently used in projects where small-scale, complex processes play a dominant role. Unlike many other models, TUDFlow3D provides detailed solutions for these specific processes rather than omitting or parameterizing them. For details on TUDflow3d, please refer to:
De Wit, L. (2015). 3D CFD modelling of overflow dredging plumes. Ph.D. Thesis, Delft University of Technology, Delft.
Some concrete applications of TUDFlow3D include:
- Discharge of sediment plumes by a sailing dredging ship, including interaction with ship propellers and the seabed.
- Turbulent channel flow.
- Turbulent flow around objects.
- Stratified turbulent flow.
- Density currents.
- Transport of suspended material for cohesive and non-cohesive sediment, turbidity currents.
- Transport of tracers.
If you would like to discuss technical details or receive more specific information about the application and capabilities of TUDFlow3D, we would be happy to speak with you personally. Please feel free to contact us for further information.
Want to know more about our expertise in Complex Flow and Tudflow3d?
Please contact Sam Bom.
Sam Bom
Lead rivers, estuaries and complex currents


Please contact us or make an appointment.