XBeach is a two-dimensional numerical model specifically developed for modeling wave propagation, long waves, average flow, sediment transport, and morphological changes in coastal areas (typically modeling domains of kilometers) during storms. The model was developed by a consortium consisting of UNESCO-IHE, Deltares, TU Delft, and the University of Miami.
At Svašek Hydraulics, we have been using the XBeach software since the XBeach “Joint Industry Project” in 2015. Our expertise in software development allows us to be flexible with XBeach. This is reflected in the fact that we often use the model for complex projects, utilizing the 2D mode instead of the (more standard) 1D mode. Additionally, we are able to use XBeach for long-term projections, such as in our project at the Second Maasvlakte. Thanks to our relationships with the XBeach development team, we are informed about the latest developments in the software. In collaboration with Prof. Dr. Ir. J.A. Roelvink, Svasek has conducted multiple research projects with XBeach, and the results have been presented at conferences.
We apply XBeach in projects where wave-driven coastal processes play a significant role. The model includes hydrodynamic processes of short waves, long waves, wave setup, unstable flows, overflow, and inundation. In combination with morphological modules, XBeach provides a more detailed approach to wave-driven sediment transport in coastal areas. Furthermore, the software has been expanded with the “Assessment and Design Instrumentarium” (BOI) and can be used to assess primary flood defenses.
If you would like to discuss technical details or receive more specific information about the application and capabilities of XBeach, we would be happy to speak with you personally. Please feel free to contact us for further information.
Ype Attema
Lead coastal morphology


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